Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Good Spring Day

It’s been a warm, well actually rather hot, spring Saturday here in upstate NY.  This is the time of year when there is plenty to do in the yard.  You can drive up and down the streets and find one person after another raking and planting and powerwashing, etc.  Most of us don’t exactly look forward to these spring tasks, but there’s nothing like being able to put a checkmark by items on your to-do list to make you feel good about life!  Today we opened the pool.  The cover was washed and dried in the sun and put away.  The filter for the mower was purchased, and the yard was mowed.  Flowers were planted. Weeds were pulled.   We made it to the Grocery store (and back, of course—with groceries even).  We went shopping and bought The Man some much needed clothes.  And, I managed to stay on my summer-vacation-at-the-beach-better-lose-15 pounds-because-you’ll-be-putting-on-a-swimsuit diet!  
Puppy update:  Cambridge was a little sick to his stomach yesterday.  He ate some grass and did what dogs usually do when they eat grass…. Now here’s a question:  When a dog is sick, does he eat grass to make himself throw up so he can feel better, or does he eat grass when he’s sick hoping it will calm his stomach, but it doesn’t, so he throws up anyway?  All I know is dog + grass = vomit.  (Unless of course, the dog sometimes feels sick, but we don’t know it, and he eats some grass and feels better and doesn’t throw up.  I mean, how would you know?) Anyway--later on I looked out the window and he was standing smack in the middle of a big bunch of oregano in our little garden.  He kind of jumped around in it for a minute or two and I wondered if it had some kind of healing properties or something.  It sure looked weird from the window.  

Today he seems fine.  He grabbed various items throughout the day while we were working in the yard and ran crazy with them as usual.  First it was a plastic bottle The Man had taken out of the pool skimmer.  Cambridge grabbed that while The Man was busy with something else.  Score!  Later, he nabbed the six pack plastic container that had housed the alyssum I was planting.  Good for you, puppy!  You rule!  He’s exhausted now.  He’s breathing heavily somewhere in another room—I can hear him. 

A few minutes ago he was on the rug by the front door.  Just imagine yourself trying to duplicate this position…..

Ouchy.  No--think I’ll keep my hip bones in their sockets for today, thank you.

Of course as soon as he noticed I had a camera, he had to turn around and try to figure out what was going on.  He’s a pretty nosy little guy.   

By the way--don't be alarmed--but that's a giraffe foot next to his head... it's a trophy he awarded himself after a hard fought battle with one of his stuffed toys.

Anyway—we had a good day around here.  I hope you did too!

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